Cymap Mechanical Certification
We have recently completed our certification in Cymap Mechanical software.
Cymap Mechanical is an integrated part of Cymap, the Building Services calculation program provided by Cadline.
The use of Cymap Mechanical software allows us to carry out simple and complex calculations quickly and easily for mechanical building services such as:
- Heating Pipework
- Chilled Water Pipework
- Hot and Cold Water Services Pipework
- Gas Services Pipework
- Ventilation Ductwork Sizing and Fan Selection
Cymap Mechanical can work to three of the major calculation standards; CIBSE, ASHRAE and DIN, and can conduct its pipework sizing to current design standards such as BS EN 806, BS 6700, CIPHE and CIBSE demand methodologies.
Cymap Mechanical also has the additional benefit of being fully cross compatible with the Dynamic Simulation Modelling software EDSL TAS. Using our expertise in TAS we can create a 3D thermal model of your building to calculate design parameters such as Peak heating or cooling loads, the possibility of overheating to various standards such as CIBSE TM52 or CIBSE TM59, and produce the SBEM report and EPC required for Part L Building Regulations Compliance.
We can directly import the same TAS model produced into the Cymap Mechanical software to accurately size the buildings pipework and ventilation, saving clients both time and money.
How we can Help
If you have any questions as to how dynamic simulation modelling software EDSL TAS and Cymap Mechanical can be used together to design you a better building, please contact us today.