We have recently completed our certification in Cymap Mechanical software.
Cymap Mechanical is an integrated part of Cymap, the Building Services calculation program provided by Cadline.
The EEABS office will be closed from Friday 21st December and we will reopen again at 8am on Wednesday 2nd January. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
SAP Calculations are used to demonstrate compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations for Domestic Dwellings. Since April 2014 the SAP 2012 methodology has been used, however the BRE has [...]
When it comes to using real weather data (such as CIBSE’s Test Reference Years and Design Summer Years) in dynamic simulation building modelling, London is something of an anomaly. Due to [...]
LENI values have been around for approximately 10 years now, however with more and more planning specifications now requiring the calculation of LENI values, they are starting to become a [...]
An article by the Telegraph titled ‘Energy Scandal: Misleading Efficiency Claims Leading to Huge Bills for Homeowners’ threw some serious criticism at the building energy modelling community, but [...]
Thermal Mass. You may have heard this term before when investigating the structure or construction materials of a building, but what exactly is it? Put simply the thermal mass of a material is [...]
Since 2008 Energy Performance Certificates (EPC’s) have been required on both domestic and non-domestic buildings whenever they are sold, rented, or constructed. Under an EPC a building’s energy [...]